We can miss the point while reading the bible! We humans need inspiration, empowerment, knowledge, faith, hope, love. And then we read the bible and partly we might find those things there. But sometimes it just doesn’t work. Could it be that the main point of the bible is not a thing, but a person? Because if you look […]
seeing Jesus
why we christians don’t read the bible – and what to do
Why we don’t read the bible, and what to do about it We Christians claim the bible is the word of God. But why don’t we don’t we read the bible? A picture like the one above is quite improbable. Our bibles are closed. Here are a few ideas why, and what to do about them. […]
Summer of Psalms | Psalm 8
We are worshipers. And if we don’t worship God, we will worship something else. We humans are natural born worshipers. The question is never «IF» we will worship. It is „WHO» or „WHAT» we will worship. Worship means to give worth to something. So we humans will always talk about what we like, talk about what we […]
IN IHM | eine Familie
Um Jesus als das zu erkennen, was er ist, müssen wir uns ihm nähern. aus der Distanz würden wir ihn entweder kritisieren oder ihn bewundern wenn wir nahe bei ihm sind, werden wir ihn lieben, respektieren und ihm folgen. Aber erst wenn wir uns in ihm finden, werden wir ihn richtig erkennen und sehen wer […]