june, 2022
2022sun26jun14:00sun16:30Investment Crash Course (Part 2)14:00 - 16:30 Zoom

Event Details
Part II is only accessible for participants who did the first part of the course. The Investment Crash Course is a 5 hours course on Zoom divided in two sessions which
Event Details
Part II is only accessible for participants who did the first part of the course.
The Investment Crash Course is a 5 hours course on Zoom divided in two sessions which aims at showing you the different ways to get your money to work.
It will show you the pros and cons of the various investment possibilities in Switzerland, with no sales pitch.
During the first session on June 12th, we will talk about:
Why invest? The story of Robinson
Investment metrics: How to decide if an asset is good for you
The ideal investment that doesn’t exist
A detailed look at Swiss real estate
A detailed look at bonds
A detailed look at gold
The second session on June 26th is entirely devoted to investing in the stock market and the Swiss retirement system.
In particular, we’ll talk about:
The difference between price and value
Investing in a business: the story of the Great Chewing Gum Company
How the stock market works
Robinson’s economics, part II
How you can earn money by owning assets which stay completely flat
The lies of the financial industry
The tale of the 3 sisters: how the power of perfect foresight is almost useless in investing
The most important question when it comes to investing money.
(Sunday) 14:00 - 16:30